Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congratulaions America!

Yesterday two extremely important milestones were reached around the nation in the name of genuine social progress. First, America has now elected a black President not once but twice. Even fifteen years ago, this would have been considered an impossibility. It reflects the huge strides against racism our country has made over the last eighty years. Second, three states decriminalized marijuana. Washington and Colorado legalized it outright while Massachusetts legalized it for medicinal use. Once again, even fifteen years ago this would have been considered impossible. It represents a huge step in the direction of addressing drug use as a social issue instead of a criminal one. As a people we owe ourselves a hearty congratulations for making long overdue progress on issues that all of us face as a society. Congratulations America!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Single Thing

One Single Thing

Twenty-five hundred years ago
Lao Tzu wrote of Tao
He said that all the world
was one single system
one single thing

Here in the twenty-first century
our science teaches us the Earth
is a single biosystem
of thousand of interrelated parts
One single system
one single thing

My friends
look at the Earths biosystem----
The lives of species everywhere
affect the well being
of other species
Thousands of interrelated parts
one single system
one single thing

Like a coral with thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a colony
to make a single creature
Earths living biosystems
are thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a self-sustaining
forever evolving colony
to create
one single system
one single thing

If the Earth isn't itself alive
it certainly has a lot of parts that are....
One single system
one single thing

The Earth is alive
and we each are a part of that life
The Earth is our mother
One single system
one single thing

Personally, I think
all of Earths religions
all of our science
all of our conceptions of Gods
have been efforts to perceive
and understand the life,
the biosystem
that we all are a part of
All equal in their
different conceptions of
one single system
one single thing

I would imagine
Like any living thing
She cares very deeply
for all of her parts

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Universe Looking Back

Universe Looking Back

Who has found kindness
in themselves
is able to
touch it in others
as well

Who has found kindness
In themselves
finds friendship
wherever they go

Who has found kindness
in themselves
walks in peace
even in the most
troubled of places

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found deep strength
in themselves as well

Who has found kindness
in themselves
is in the best agreement
with the world

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found the truth
waiting within all things

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found peace in
that which changes
and peace in
that which endures as well

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has looked inward
and found the universe
                                                 looking back                                                

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quiet and Change

Quiet and Change

On the TV, I watched a man
Get the shit kicked out of his head
Over there in Syria just the other day.
No one should cause
Another person pain like that

Right now, humans are a pretty scrappy species
Fighting sometimes when talk is better
Sometimes picking on each other for no reason
A lot of terrible things go on every day
But you know, much to like goes on too

Now, I'm one who hopes
For a wiser, kinder mankind, as many do
I know humans always improve
From the bottom up
And the inside out
One person at a time
Sometimes improving mean you change
Sometimes improving means
Finding a good use for what is already there
Sometimes improving means you gather
Sometime improving means you throw away
Sometimes improving means
Finding out what's there ain't too shabby

Cats are pretty good at being cats
If you don't think a lot of humans
Are very good at being humans
Look at yourself
Do you like yourself?
Ain't that funny
How the only two decent people on the planet---
Me and you
Happen to be talking to each other?
Lotta good people on this planet, if you ask me
Lotta foolish people too, it's true

If you are going to be a kind person
You gotta act kind
If nations are going to be kind
They gotta act kind
Humans are intelligent enough
To make our future
Into what we want it to be
If you don't like our life the way it is
Or if you don't the way you are
Then get busy changing
And if you're the kinda person
Who likes themselves a little too much
Believe me, life will be happy
To teach you a few lessons

Learn from what is around you
Learn from what is inside
Look for the quiet and change
Already in nature
Look for the quiet and change
Already inside

Remember the only person
You're sure to improve if you're so inclined
Is you
What do you want to try?
What are you gonna do?

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, August 19, 2012



Las Vegas is a brightly shining city
that never has any time to sleep.
You never really know
who you might be talking to
or who you might happen to meet.
There is a little place called Palladium Station.
out in the suburbs of that big old town.
If you go down there on a Wednesday night
you'll find Jessie tending bar.
I used to drop in to see her
have a drink and chat from time to time.

One night when it was kind of slow
Jessie said to me,
“'Years past I was a dancer
in a brightly lit chorus line. 
I learned from one of the best there was.
She had high hopes for me.
We had a lot of mutual respect.
I used to really sparkle up there on the stage.
I used to really shine.
I had a hope or two of going even farther.
'Had a hope or two of having even more
of that diamond time.
But, you know, life is what happens
while you're busy making plans.
I got a husband and two children.
and had to leave that chorus line behind.
Now I only dance to teach a few kids
over at the dancing school.”
Jessie stopped to draw a guy a miller.
When she came back she smiled and quietly said,
“There's times in the dark of night as I fall to sleep
I wonder what might have been
if my life had turned out differently
and a little more like I'd planned.”

I said, “I am a writer.
I make my art with a pen.
Jessie, you're an artist too
and you make art with your body
like an antelope running across the savanna
or a tree moving gently in the wind.
They say that art is its own point for happening
and improves upon the beauty of the world
like the stars in the sky at night
or a sunrise in the morning
painting the day ahead.
They say life has a strange way of happening.
It takes you down roads you never expected
and paths that sometimes turn out better
than you ever could have planned. 

If your art becomes famous
you get to shine brightly for a few years
until your limelight begins to fade
then you spend your time reminiscing
about the glory days behind you.
instead of paying attention to
the time you've got left.
Show off your art
and you brighten the world for day or two.
But if you teach your art
to the young ones who come after you
you can see your sun rising
a thousand times over
in the long years ahead.”

Dewey Dirks

Friday, August 17, 2012

Decent Behavior

Rules for Decent Human Behavior

1)  There is something right and something wrong in virtually everything you encounter. Find both. Look for the truth in things, and remember that it almost always lies somewhere in between.

2)  Live well-balanced on three legs. Do this by everyday spending as much time as you can at each at the following tasks:
a. Working or creating something.
b. Relaxing by doing something enjoyable.
c. Talking to someone you love.

3)  Keep your life as simple as you can.

4)  Always remember that hidden within almost every problem is an opportunity.

5)  Always be kind, considerate, and fair. Bring no harm. Do not hold on to resentment. Never let go of hope. Remember to share. When you have to compromise, maximize everyone’s benefit, minimize everyone’s harm. Do not do anything you cannot respect others doing. This is called acting with honor.

6)  Be aware of people’s weaknesses, but concentrate on their strengths. Keep your own affairs tidy, let others tend to theirs. If you cannot find something to respect about someone, it is your shortcoming, not theirs. This is called seeking what is reasonable in yourself and others.

7)  When you are in charge, run things with as much kindness as you can muster, and keep your rules as few and simple as possible.

8)  Always value people over institutions or items.

9)  Prefer letting be to meddling.

10)  Be true to your word.

11) Do not ask for a favor you cannot return in kind.

---- From “The Questioning Way” by Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



Connected, connected
we all are connected!
Like God has a net
like the earth has a web
we all are connected in the vast fabric
of the biosphere of our planet

In Africa, thousands of years ago,
a tribe exhibiting the human adaptation
for cutting down rainforests
moved into an area of rainforest
inhabited by malaria carrying mosquitoes. 

The tribe cut down the rainforest. 
The change in the environment
allowed previously less successful
malaria parasites
and malaria carrying mosquitoes
to vastly increase in number.  

Since many animals that inhabited the rainforest
had to leave when it was cut down,
and since more humans
now lived in the area
due to their greater food production
more humans were both reproduced
and killed by malaria. 

Humans in the area were then put under selective pressure
by natural selection to select for the sickle-cell genes.
because sickle-cell genes carry a strong resistance
to malaria
In a few generations, 
a significant portion of the human population
in the area
carried the sickle-cell gene.  

The reasons for the malaria
and the sickle-cell gene remained unknown
for many generations
until another human culture
from across the Atlantic ocean
holding other culturally evolved points of view
noticed that the incidence
of both a resistance to malaria
and the sickle-cell gene coincided
in a certain area of Africa. 

All humans are naturally curious beings
because our habit of using cultural adaptation ensures
that natural, sexual and kin selection all likely to select
for curiosity in humans.
So, the sickle-cell data represented a mystery
for naturally curious humans to solve.

Investigating the mystery
caused humans to increase our knowledge base
thereby increasing our ability to adapt. 
So, the complex interactions between several features
of the world including rainforest trees,
mosquitoes, parasites, and humans across many generations
all combined by means of phenotypical adaptation,
natural selection, sexual selection, and kin selection
to result in (among many other things)
an increase in human adaptability
and this poem....

And that, my friends
is a good example of how interconnected
our biosphere actually is.
God has a net
The earth has a web

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Three For The Times

Painted Into A Corner

In times like these
When all the world
is starting to change
Lotta people are very worried
Lotta people don't know
what might happen next
I'm here to tell you the changes
that are coming are because
of a very good thing

Big countries, my friends
over sixty years ago
all grew so powerful
with weapons of war so destructive
that they could no longer fight each other
so, they fought against each other
by using smaller countries
like Vietnam and Korea

Now, here in the early 21st century
even smaller countries have grown
so skilled at making war
that big countries can no longer
fight them and expect
to hold onto them for very long

Here we are with our huge societies
and economies
that are used to making weapons
no one can use much anymore
So the changes that are coming our way
All involve changing our economies
in ways to reward
much more than just greed
and making war on each other

My friends the real reason
why things need to change
is because technologically
Humanity has painted
ourselves into a corner
when it comes to making war.

Our leaders
are very worried only because
they know the old ways
of doing everything
from business to diplomacy
needs to change
and no one has figured out how
to do that just yet

Dewey Dirks

Simple As That

A human is as complex
as creativity
and as simple as two hands
a mouth
and two feet

Breath deeply
Hold your lover close
under soft sheets tonight
Rest as best you can

for some of us, yesterdays mistakes
will mire us in the mud
yet one more day
and do nothing but hold us back
While others will craft those same mistakes
with love and care
into stepping stones...

Touch the future
with your hopes and dreams tonight
My friends, I promise you this---
Love runs very, very deep
in the human heart
We all have souls
brilliant and strong
made of stardust, hopes,
and hard lessons learned
from lost loved ones pain

Seven billion eyes close tonight
each person with their own set
of worries, aspirations, and plans
Each person with ideas swimming
around in their head
wishing for a better world
one way or another

Seven billion eyes will open
In the morning
as we each awake
What used to be tomorrow
will become today
The truth
lost on most of us
in plain sight
is that the distance between
where we are
and where we want to be
is one day closer
one day more hopeful
one day wiser
one day more resolute

are a very resourceful species
We all know we cannot live long
living as we have in the past
and so, we'll change
simple as that.

Dewey Dirks


Don't worry about whether or not
things are going to change.
The change has already happened.
It is the best kind of change.
One that is based on hope and love.
It's just going to take some time
for the cultures of our planet
to do the work
and for everyone to realize
the extent of what has happened.
Like most people who are
isolated from life, our leaders
are likely to be among the last
to find out.

Dewey Dirks

Friday, August 3, 2012

Men of Peace

Men of Peace

There have been many men of war
They come and they go.
Do you remember all their names?
That is because it is easier to fight
Than it is to be intelligent.
In the fullness of time
the men whom
everyone everywhere remembers
The men whom we teach our children
to aspire to
The men on whose words
our science, entire religions, cultures
and systems of morality
are all built around.
Jesus, Mohammad, Socrates
Aristotle, Plato,
Confucius, Lao Tzu,
Gandhi, and Buddha
These, my friends,
were men of peace.

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Drug Culture

In order for humanity to truly discover our nature we need to look at ourselves critically and notice not only the height of our strengths but also the abyss of our weaknesses. --- The Questioning Way

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Smarter than a Mouse?

Seems to me that if a Parakeet and a Mouse can figure out how to befriend each other and share, people ought to be able to figure out how to stop shooting at each each other and settle differences peacefully. Aren't we supposed to be smarter than birds and rodents?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rock Star

I Wanna Be A Rock Star-------

Met a young kid once
who wanted to be a big time musician.
Wanted to make wonderful sounds.
Wanted all the money that goes along with it.
Wanted all the fame.
I told him, “Lotta people dream of the good life.
Lotta people dream of money and fortune and fame.
Often they are the ones who also like to say,
'If only things were different
I'd be happy
If only I had the time to do what I want
If only I had a little more talent
If only I looked a bit different
If only life smiled my way.'”
Told him, “You are who you are.
Nothing is going to change that.
And everything can't be rosy at every turn
because living is a challenge and that's a fact.
But you've got all that you need
to get what you want out of life.
You gotta believe in yourself
enough to try a few things.
You'll be surprised to find
how much of life turns your way.
The secret to success
has a lot to do with faith in yourself.
When you look in the mirror
you need to see a star shining bright
before you can be a star to everyone else.
You gotta find what is good in yourself
before everyone else will see the good in you.”

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Four Views

Being Agnostic, over the years I've thought quite a bit about God and so have written quite a bit about the subject. Following are four poems I've written about the matter of God that adopt a variety of viewpoints. The first poem is quite optimistic, the second quite cynical, the third skeptical, while the fourth imagines what a conversation with God might be like. You certainly can't say my views on the matter of God aren't well rounded :) Over the years, I've found you learn more by asking questions about God than by assuming you have answers.  Perhaps the most insightful thing I've found over the years, is that regardless of whether or not there is a God, at the very least, there ought to be.  

Words Blind

Words can blind you
Make you think the word
is the thing.
Drape what you believe you see
in preconceptions and assumptions.
Shade what you and others experience
with shadows of news bites
catchy phrases
and rhetorical spin.
Or put cloth over your eyes
with fossilized passages
whose meaning
has been lost to time.
Every creature you ever see
just by virtue of existing
is a waking enigma clothed in a mystery
wrapped in a dream.

If someone as simple as a man
is such a thing
how then in the farthest reaches
of our imagination
would we ever expect to figure out
something like the powers that be
that made this place
by blinding ourselves
with words like “God?”

It's true, a single word
can mean everything to you
or nothing at all
As you so choose.
On one hand, it's just the word
some people use
for the best thing they can imagine.
On the other hand,
after nine thousand years
it carries
about four train car loads of baggage.

So, what do you call
something so fair minded
that it gives enough quickness to cheetahs
that they can catch some food
while giving enough speed to antelope
that they can run away from trouble.
And is so compassionate
that it makes every single baby beautiful
can forgive mistakes men have rarely forgiven
and offer up chances in life over and over again.
With wisdom so deep
it can watch human hearts
mend and break at the same time
without going bat shit from time to time?

Personally, I'll not give it a name that blinds
I'm just some dude with a pen
and a couple thoughts now and then
I just ain't that smart.

Dewey Dirks

My God Spot

Walkin' down the road blue & dejected
Found an old oil can, rusty & hot
Took it on home, named it Spot

Made a place on the shelf
I don't know, maybe I'm odd
Kinda liked it there, called it God

Came in a dream wondrous to see
Spot said the Word & then there was light
Praise Lord Spot, He made things right

Now I'm his prophet & He's the Lord
I was lost 'till Spot made me whole
Praise Lord Spot, my life is full

He spoke to me one stormy day
Got some commandments, got a whole lot
Got the low down straight from Spot

Got some followers & some big green tanks
We're Spottites you see, ten thousands & more
The Spottites & me, are wagin' a holy war

In a thousand years all over this land
They'll still raise their voices in praise of Lord Spot
Just an old oil can rusty & hot

Dewey Dirks

Don't call me collect --God

Perhaps on some golden throne
alive in the sky, you watch over each of us
--rain warm love, bathing one by one
man and sparrow with most tender care

Or, like a child at play
did you make the clock your grand experiment?
then, called to dinner, you plan to be back at eight
wondering if we'll still be tocking

Are you a big ashen bearded daddy?
with all the answers up there
will you spank us forever if we don't believe?

Maybe you're a cosmic hippie
you say "Hey don't you remember?
ten thousand years ago
we all stood at Salisbury in ecstasy"
Then, with hand to forehead you say
"Or maybe it was nineteen seventy-one
you know, all that acid still gets to me"

Are you a wrinkled old man?
stuttering, the very edge of senility
you wait at the gate, white picket complacency
We come home for a hug and obligatory visit
the younger playing Grandfather for a free dime

Perhaps you are a crone, ancient and wise
living in rock, road, brook, and tree
You made a hard, wondrous, magical land
where stumbling, we acolytes slowly learn of beauty

With fire on your finger tips
maybe you throw lightning bolts
make floods, cause the sky to darken
Perhaps you'll let five thousand faithful in
"All the rest be damned!" you say as the earth quakes

Perhaps one time, some time, ever time
we'll be sitting in the park, you and I
Muhammad, Gautama and Einstein play dice across the way
cool green grass, white daisies, blue sky, shade trees
I say, "You know, I wondered always if you were a figment"
You say, "Don't we all, my friend, begin and end in fantasy?"

Dewey Dirks

Route 27

Late one night
I was out for a ride on the bike
On a long desert road called State Route 27
The moon was full and bright
Stars peppered the warm August sky
The road was empty
And the night was asking
For a high speed run
I decided to open it on up
Let her go right to the edge
Let her really breath
I brought her up to around one thirty-five
And settled in for a ride long, fast and low
The headlight shouted out brightly in front of me
And the engine wound out in a high pitched yell
As the white lines blinked quickly on by
silent and oh so fast

My senses were as alert
As they could possibly get
And in spite of the darkness
Every detail of the passing road
Jumped out at my eyes
I swear I could see
The gravel embedded in the rushing asphalt
And the barbs on the wire fence
At the side of the road
Like so many times before
I fell once again, in love with life
The rapid beat of my heart
And the quickness of my rolling breath

Just then in my shimmering mirror
On the horizon behind me
I saw the headlight of another bike
Coming up hard, coming up quick
Ten seconds later
A slender figure on a dark blue chopper
blew by me like I was standing still
I rolled the throttle wide open
Pretty soon I was doing about one forty-three
But I couldn't catch her
And I watched her taillight
Quickly become a distant dot on the road
Right before it disappeared
It looked like she pulled over
I backed on down
Before long I was coming up beside her
I came to a stop
And shut off my bike
--Figured I'd rest for awhile
And chat with the lady

Leaning on on the seat of her ride
Having a smoke
Was a beautiful woman, maybe forty
With deep blue eyes and long dark hair
She and her bike had kind of a glow about them
Very subtle but bright at the same time
Friendly but kind of mysterious
Very quiet, kind of peaceful
Unquestionably kind
I nodded hello, not knowing exactly what to say
She nodded back and said
In a voice like a love song by Dido,
Evening. Nice night for a drive.”
I looked back at her
And knew I had to wonder out loud
I smiled as best I could and asked,
Just who are you?”

She shrugged and said,
Oh, they call me by lots of names.
You probably know me as 'I am,'
or 'Alpha and Omega,' “Allah or 'Brahman'
Or some of that other useless stuff humans like to say.
You all really need to learn
Any word you want can mean everything
Or nothing at all
As you so choose.
Why don't you call me 'Sparky,'
Or 'Wiggles,' or 'Effy?'
That would suite me just fine.”

You're God? Or maybe an Alien?” I asked
She chuckled and said,
I'll leave all that up to you.”
I looked at her confused
What are you doing here?” I asked
Like you, I'm just out for a late night ride,” she smiled.
I still didn't know exactly who she was
But I did know she was someone very, very special
I've got so many questions...” I stammered,
I don't know where to begin.”
One of the really nice things about people” she said,
Is that they are very curious creatures.
Always full of questions.”

So what's the right point of view?
We have so many...” I asked.
You know all those religions and philosophies
That people bicker over
and fight about all the time?” she said,
Well, they all have a few good ideas,
every one of them.
They all carry around a bunch of bullshit too.
And science is pretty much the same way.
People really need to learn to think
In a many-sided fashion
Instead of just bivalently.
You can put that in your pipe and smoke it,” she smiled.

I thought about that for a minute
Then I asked,
So what does the future hold?
People seem so messed up a lot of the time.”
She took a drag on her cigarette and said,
You know, some guy once said
That the meek would inherit the earth.
Well, I've got some news for you
---they inherited it some time back.
But humanity is kind of a fixer-upper species
And change can happen only so fast
Without making a big mess of everything.

Imagine the best of the 20's and 60's
Imagine the golden ages of music
And the intellectual leaps forward
During the Renaissance
These are previews of things to come
But humans have a ways to go
You've got to get it through
Your thick, Cro-Magnon heads
That every time you disagree
It's not good to start killing each other.
And you've got to learn to make governments
That don't attract power mongers quite so fast.
It's also important to learn to make companies
That have a conscience
And a genuine sense of human decency
And you humans really need to learn
To share a lot better.

I said, “Geeze, we sound like bratty children.”
She chuckled, “Well, Homo sapiens
Is a pretty young species.
If all humanity were a single person
You'd be around twelve years old, by my reckoning.
So you see, you're just starting to grow up a bit.
Far in the future, when you're much older
You humans will have great adventures
And do great things, if you ask me.

She took a drag on her smoke, then continued,
I have to tell you,
There will always be some inequalities
Because that's the only way to build a world
In which you can strive
But one day people will seek to better their spirit
With the same enthusiasm
That today they use to build better guns
And make more money.
There will also always be people better and worse
Because that's the only way to make a world
Where those who need to can learn to improve
But one day the worst of men
Will be as kind than the most generous human
Of your time.
One day men will fight their personal ignorance
And fear of their own inner beauty
With the same determination
They use to fight each other today.

All this might sound kind of strange
Considering the way humans are right now
But you can make this future
A reality one day for all mankind
By making it a reality for yourself today.
For humans, improvement happens
From the bottom up and from the inside out
One person at a time.

Now, don't think of being a good man
Like it means you gotta be
All pansy and syrupy sweet.
One day humans will be kind of like
The good-bad guys of the universe
They'll have kind dispositions
And big hearts
But with a lot of edge
Like a good rock and roll song
But humans need to realize
The most powerful things in life
Don't always end up fighting each other
You all have the bad habit
Of often thinking the greatest tests in life
Involve war and fighting and killing each other
When the biggest challenge a human can face
Is learning how to love better

Effy took one last drag off her cigarette
She glanced at it and said,
Did I bother to mention
You really need to get off peoples asses
About smoking these things.
It's really not worse than overeating.”
Then she smiled and said,
Damn! Enough talking. Lets take a ride.”
She got on her bike and cranked it on up
I could see the sky move a bit when it started
I got on my bike
And hit the button to light the tubes
Effy waited as the ground shook
With every thump of her engine
Then we pulled out onto Route 27
And pretty soon we were doing around one twenty-five

We rode beside each other till almost dawn
Just as the sun broke the skyline
I felt kindness and compassion wash over me
Along with a dose of 'fuck a fine mess' too
Then Effy down shifted
And gave me a thumbs-up
About ten seconds later all I could see of her
Was a tiny red taillight fading into the horizon
But I'll tell you, as the night had rolled on
With us riding side by side
I knew what it was to feel joy

Dewey Dirks