Friday, November 29, 2013

Touching Souls

Touching Souls

One of the characteristics
of most humans is that they
ordinarily are quite reserved
of themselves when they meet new people.
They put on their best public
face and put their best foot forward.
Only rarely do they place their heart
on their sleeves and tell what is
in their soul and really on their mind,
speaking little of their real worries
hopes and dreams.

When two people are alone together
and tell each other what is really
on their minds and in their hearts,
their souls gently touch.
What is divine in each of them
gives the other a sacred
piece of themselves
and an unbreakable connection
between them is forged.
Ordinarily, people only share
of themselves in this way
a few times in their lifetime,
with their very best, very closest friends
and with whom they fall in love.

Try, my friend, for one month wearing
your heart and soul on your sleeves.
Show who you really are to the next
three people you meet.
You will find giving of yourself
in this way is an extremely powerful
emotional experience
and after you've done it a few times
it becomes addicting
in the best possible sense of the word.
When two people touch souls, they are compelled
to empathize deeply with each other
and look upon each other forever after
as one of their closest confidants.
If everyone shared of themselves in this manner
with just three new acquaintances each year
and then looked upon as friends,
the friends of their new-found confidants
soon everyone in the world would find
they could not bring themselves
to harm one another because
of the new-found compassion
between everyone.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sun and Hurricanes

Sun and Hurricanes

Sometimes the way
is gonna be hard and rough
no matter which way you go.
Times when taking a shortcut
only means exchanging
one hard line for another.

Some problems are lodged
in the past for you
to muddle over when it's quiet.
Other problems are right
in front of you
for you to struggle with now.

It's true you cannot
change the past
but you can change
the way you look upon it
and sometimes the only way
to get through the present
is to alter the way you look at it.
When the way is hardest,
the freedom you have to create
a different view for yourself
can be the only thing
that will carry you
through sometimes.
The freedom to change
your point of view
can be magic if you let it be.

They say contrast
deepens most everything.
Everyone has
their share of chaos inside
and every life runs
into its fair share of storms.
One consolation of trouble
is that without all the
howling winds and two-by-fours
flying by you from time to time
whatever kindness you
happen into along the way
would seem hollow
and the beauty and grace
you come across
would only be as so much wallpaper.

For some,
who have happened to notice
the universe looking back at them,
no matter what goes on after that
if they take pause, they can feel
the gentle touch of grace in the air,
the creativity they feel in their veins
becomes the kind hand of life
touching their mind and heart
and the full breadth events
they see in all the world around
becomes part of the soul of life itself.

Life would not be the life
we each live without both
bright August suns
and terrible hurricanes.
Most often,
what you happen to see
depends on where
you choose to stand.

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, November 24, 2013

In The Questions and No Difference

In The Questions

We live in societies
where a whole
lotta people spend
a great deal
of time pretending
to have answers
they don't really have
and there are
many who think
to themselves
“If I find all
the answers
I won't have
to worry

Things will be
much easier if you
grow accustomed
to not having
all the answers.
To be human
is to ask questions.
Before you
can find
any answers at all
you have to ask
a lot of questions
because, you see,
the answers
are found
in the questions.
So, if the answers
you find
don't lead to new
You're probably not
doing it right.

We live in a mystery
wrapped in an enigma
floating gently
in a vast dream.
Life itself, my friend,
is in the questions.

Dewey Dirks

No Difference

Sitting in the quiet
with a silent mind
basking in the stillness
of an idle moon.

in the act of creating.
Working hard
figure, figure, figuring.
Busy days
with a ways
yet to go.

Yin, Yang
each come and go.

No difference
when you're you
being you.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bad Advice, Good Advice

Bad Advice, Good Advice

I once heard someone
say, “Don't let anyone into
your inner kingdom
unless they come with love.”
This was probably born
of the same logic that advised
“Never say you're sorry.
It's a sign of weakness.”

One of the things that
I've learned
is that many times it takes
enormous inner strength
to say “I'm sorry.”
That is why many people
have such a hard time
admitting they've
been wrong.

As for letting someone
into your inner kingdom---
I've found over the years
that there is a wonderful
magic that comes
when two people
share pieces of their souls.
The more often you do it
the more you find
you want to do some more.
It is addicting as love
and just as sacred and beautiful.

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sea of Friends

Sea of Friends

If you extend
your compassion
and consideration
to all life,
not just a few humans,
you'll find yourself
living in a sea
full of companions
never to be lonely again.
Wherever you go
you will always
find yourself
among friends.

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Cancer

The Cancer

When someone you love has the cancer
the chips are all down
and the shit really hits the fan
but it happens in slow, slow motion---
It means days, weeks, and months
of terrible bad pain
that puts bare hearts stretched
all the way out on the cold iron racks.

You find out how much strength
we humans really have,
how deep the touch of a hand
can reach,
and how very kind
the silence in your soul can be.
But, Lord God! help us all
what a way to learn.

Dewey Dirks

Monday, November 11, 2013

Three Macrocosms

Three Macrocosms

The universe is one thing
made up of many things,
some parts of which
are alive
and some parts of which
have no need
to obey that laws
space and time.

Our science tells us
that our bodies are home
to many billions of microbes
that contribute to our well being.
Likewise, if we look inside the cells
that make up our bodies,
the mitochondria within
are said to have as much
in common with bacteria
in the world around us
as with our own bodies.
A human is one entity
made of many entities,
and some parts of our spirits
do not need to obey the laws
of space and time.
Call each person a living colony
just as the universe around us
is made of grand colonies
of star systems that we call galaxies.
In all probability, our mother planet
is herself alive
and our universe
is also full of other planets
themselves alive.
Each galaxy a giant colony full of life.

The vastness of the universe
is reflected in our bodies
when you look at it from
the point of view
of a microbe or a single cell
A second time
the vastness of the universe
is reflected in our imaginations
--each mind a home
to its own cosmos of thought
And a third time the universal spirit
is reflected in our own souls.
Three microcosms each reflected
in a larger macrocosm
Each microcosm, a macrocosm
from the point of view of the life inside.
Sliver sparks of life and spirit connect
us all to one another
just as the lives of many green leaves
are connected
to the trunk and branches of one great tree.

We all are born, live, love, strive and die
on one tiny drop of life
in a vast, vast ocean alive.
Each of us a drop of life even smaller.
All the more a waking miracle when we see
that we each are organic colonies of life
gifted with the ability to imagine and discover
the shapes and forms of the universe
around us and in us all.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Longest Journey

The Longest Journey

They say the longest journey
is the one you take into yourself.
I promised myself at nineteen
that I would take
the long way home
not knowing at the time
exactly what that might mean.
So, I've traveled
over the last fifty years.
the winding roads inward
many times over
and I've discovered
new things to know
every single time.

One of the things I've learned
is 'as without, so within,
likewise, as within so without.'
and I've learned that living
can be divided into two parts---
Times to pick up
what you believe, and act
and times to put down
what you believe and learn.

Whenever I hear someone say,
“I know myself pretty well,”
I can kinda figure
what they really mean to say is,
“I know just enough about myself,
to feel comfortable with how I imagine
myself to be.”
...and I can tell there are probably
quite a few forests
they have not yet wandered wondering,
and quite a few mountains high
they have yet to cross over.

Good to know, inside we each
are as simple as a single
second of silence
yet at the same time
as vast as all the sea of stars at night
and just as full of mystery.
If you don't spend
a fair amount of time,
in a state of wonder,
like a young child
you've likely got a ways
yet to wander.
Put down your preconceptions
and set your sails as high as you can.
Grand and uncharted
the sea awaits you, my friend.

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Her Voice

Her Voice

Tonight I sat down
at the kitchen table
and lit a cigarette
to take a short rest
from the days work.
It was quiet
around our home.
Nala, my nieces
dog lay on the floor,
Mao-Mao, our white cat
sat by my chair.
A storm was brewing
and I could hear the wind
in the trees outside.
Back in the bedroom
I could hear my wife
talking on the phone
with her sister.

Even though I've heard
over the last twenty-five years
her conversations
ten-thousand times before.
I was suddenly struck
once again at how much
I enjoy hearing her lilting voice.

You know, some things
just never get old.
I've listened to her talk
for half my lifetime
and gladly will
enjoy hearing her voice
for the second half too.

She is my mate
and her voice improves
upon the beauty of the Earth
like the gentle rain
on the window at night
or a songbird
singing in the trees.
Her life, her love, her voice
are worth all the world to me

Dewey Dirks

Friday, November 1, 2013

Big Changes

The Big Change

Big changes are headed our way.
People in countries all around the world
are rising up in protest against
economic and political systems
that reward corporations
and the privileged 1% while mistreating
the environment
and the remaining 99% of their people.

It is upon our generation and the next
to re-organize our world into
systems that are fairer
to the people, less oppressive
to the poor and underprivileged
and that don't harm
the environment around us all.

1% talking-heads on the wide-screen TV
say our peoples revolution
is going nowhere because we have
no 'endgame plan.'
This, of course, is non-sense.
After all, that's the way revolutions go.
In 1789, when the French began
their revolution they had no 'endgame plan,'
they just knew the system they had
was oppressive and they knew they had
to throw off their chains in order to be free.
At the beginning of the American
revolution in 1775, those who rose up
against their oppressors had only
vague ideas about what the end-result
of their revolution would be.
As our revolution progresses, our path
to a better world will become clearer
and when the time comes we'll know
what we need to do.

Right now, we know if we don't start
to make big changes
in the way we our societies do business
our children will all be living
in tents by cesspools in a hundred year time.
And that, my friends, in enough knowledge
to know it's time act.

Dewey Dirks