Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Not Anymore

Not Anymore

My baby
has been passed on
two months now,
and, I think,
it's only been
in the last few days
that it has really began
to sink in.
She's not coming back

I'll never again look up
from the computer
to see her grin hello
as she walks in the door.
We'll never again
have long talks
at the table
over hot coffee and tea,
no, not anymore.
Never again
to hear the smile
in her voice.
Never again
to feel the gentle touch
of her hand.
Never again will
we be outside and notice
the full moon up there
in the sky at night.
No, never again.
Not anymore.

No more errands
together joking
and laughing at
the signs as we
drive across town.
No more
of all the small things
that she always did
to brighten my day.
No more cuddles
in the afternoon,
and again
late at night.
No more kisses
No more I love you's
lilting like the notes
of a song from her lips.
Never again.
Not from Laino,
no, not anymore.

Her soul
has been to visit often
of this I'm sure,
but I am greedy
for her touch
not only in eternity
beyond the blue veil,
but here in this world too.
And here, alone at the table
I take a drag on my cigarette
and reach for her deep
in my heart,
only to find
a gaping hole there.
She's not coming back.
No, not anymore.

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Outlook Twenty-Fourteen

Outlook Twenty-Fourteen

We all live
in quickly
aging cultures
where many
people have
a much better
eyeball on
what is
important in life
than the people
who are supposed
be running
the place.

That's because
as the ruling classes
have become
ever more intrenched
in the delusions
of amassing
money and power
they have also become
ever more detached
from compassion
for their fellow man.

Such problems
have long faced
human cultures
as they have grown
larger and older.
While several societies
around the globe
have lasted for
thousands of years,
the successive governments
that oversee those cultures,
grew so creaky with time,
that they underwent
major re-organizations

No large scale
human government
has ever been able
to last more than around
four hundred years
without grinding to a halt
and requiring
major reorganization
and repair
in order to rid it
of excessive corruption
and unjust indifference
towards its own citizens.

Here in the early 21st century
societies all round the globe
are facing similar problems
with corrupt and unjust
badly in need
of reorganization
and repair.
History tells us
the weight of their
own corruption
and indifference
will cause them to fail,
probably sooner
rather than later
the damage
they and the corporations
they work for
have been wrecking
upon the environment
around us.

is a very resilient
and adaptive species.
We will, in all likelihood,
survive the ineptness
of our existing governments,
but the institutions that
currently rule us
will all probably fail
sometime during
the next
one hundred and fifty

The resourcefulness
of humanity
and the hope,
love, compassion,
and common sense
distributed widely
among mankind
will soon have
the opportunity
once again to build
better governments
for ourselves.
Help us Earth Mother
to succeed
in the work before us.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



It is very easy
to get tangled up
by your desires
when you expect
something important
to happen
or when you
want something
very much.

Such things
have a way of narrowing
down your point of view
until all that you seem
to be able to see
or think about
is the object
of your desire.

When this happens
you need to sit down,
relax, and remind yourself
that life will not end if you
don't get what you expect.
There is very, very little
that ever happens
in your life that is worth
all the undue worry.

The ability to be able
to keep your expectations
in perspective is a true
mark of spiritual maturity.
The advantage
of wanting and needing
only a few things out of life
in order to be happy
is a sure sign
of considerable
spiritual strength.

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Thunder Storms

Thunder Storms

A wise man once said
that it is not only
the thirsty
who seek water,
but the water
seeks the thirsty
as well.

This is why that within
our cultures there are
a vast cornucopia
of ideas many of which
seem to conflict with
one another.

Nature is compassionate
as practicable to all
even those with whom
most disagree, so that
even for people
whose time has past
and whose ideas
are passing away,
life eases the transition,
with just enough events,
songs, and art
to soften a bit, their pains.

So when you are
bothered by the
chantings in
our mass media
or by the rants
of those who
who would have us
discriminate against
our fellow man
nature and mankind
are on the move
to a new kind of life,
and those are old attitudes
whose time
is passing away.
You know, thunder storms
howl the most
just before they
are gone.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Touched The Moon

Touched the Moon

Last week
believing I could,
I reached out
and touched the sun.
Believing I could,
last night
I reached out
and touched the moon.
Today I look at the world
with eyes that see
beauty in everything
from the smallest beetle,
from every tree, bush
and green patch of grass
to the bird that sings
every morning
just before dawn.
From the small
gestures of strangers
to city lights at night,
I am forever grateful
and I know
it's not the world
that has changed,
but my sight

Dewey Dirks

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NSA Spying

In honor of the Feb 11 protests against NSA spying on citizens, here is the poem “The Spark” Please share this around

The Spark

Hopeful as a lighthouse beacon
On a hurricane killer sea
Vengeful like a Kansas tornado
On an August night seethe
Powerful as an earthquake
In the city of Angels on mid-summers eve
Forever too small
For the big boys to see

Angry as a rap riot
Pounding out deeds
Sounds like Led Zeppelin and Cinderella
Or a Beethoven symphony
It’s on the breath of old farmers, children, and artists on fire
It’s in the passion of sailors just back from the sea
Tonight it sleeps with you and I
In spite of homeland security

Has coffee every morning
With code breakers hacking Windows XP
Stayed with the Jews at Masada
And the Lakota at Wounded Knee
Spends a lot of time in intifada city
Where it never dies
But often is the last gasp of those who are free

It can break the heavy chains of God
Keeps dying men alive
Lets blind men see
When Uncle Sam has a policeman in every pocket
And he shows us what to see on the wide screen TV
I’ll still see the spark in you
And you’ll still see the spark in me

Sometimes it’s the only survivor
When come packing the dogs of tyranny
Spark is the light in the wise mans eye
When he says ‘If I didn’t believe in love,
I wouldn’t believe’

Dewey Dirks

Monday, February 10, 2014

Be An Ocean

Be An Ocean

Be an ocean,
my friend.
Be both gentle
and strong.
Let your words
and deeds
be nurturing
---a cleansing bath,
with touch easy
and true,
yet be ready
to be the storm
when comes time
to clean house.

Be tender,
be patient,
letting things
in their
own time,
yet be ready
to take
the initiative
when others
lag behind.

Be simple
as water
made only
of three atoms
yet within you,
carry the supple
springs of life.
Be an ocean,
my friend,
both gentle
and strong.

Be as deep as all
the rolling seas
that within
your being
you keep
a vast cosmos
of ideas, emotions
and ideals alive.
Be an ocean,
my friend,
both gentle
and strong.

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Expectations and Adventure


It is very easy
to get tangled up
by your desires
when you expect
something important
to happen
or when you
want something
very much.

Such things
have a way of narrowing
down your point of view
until all that you seem
to be able to see
or think about
is the object
of your desire.

When this happens
you need to sit down,
relax, and remind yourself
that life will not end if you
don't get what you expect.
There is very, very little
that ever happens
in your life that is worth
all the undue worry.

The ability to be able
to keep your expectations
in perspective is a true
mark of spiritual maturity.
The advantage
of wanting and needing
only a few things out of life
in order to be happy
is a sure sign
of considerable
spiritual strength.

Dewey Dirks


If you look
always at life
as an adventure,
the thrill of living
will never
leave you.

If life no longer
appears to be
an adventure
to you, change
your attitude
and look anew,
good, bad
or indifferent,
peaceful or full
of mayhem,
life is forever
an adventure.

Dewey Dirks