Saturday, April 26, 2014

Not Sustainable

Not Sustainable

Our culture tells us
we will find happiness in life
if only we get a good job,
support our military and the cops,
buy all the next big things,
and drink the right beer
but more and more of us,
as time goes on,
realize the deal
is neck-deep in bullshit.

The TV markets things
like cars, toothpaste and cellphones
to us by trying to punch our buttons,
---talking about things
that really matter in life,
like love, companionship, kindness,
and creativity, while showing us video
of Cadillac cars, AT&T phones, or the sort
of fancy houses surround by big green lawns
only a few of us could ever afford.

Life in our culture can never be fulfilling
so long as it's controlled by companies
and institutions that value your money
more than your life and who try to turn
the truly important things in life
into nothing but excuses to buy more shit.
Build your home on top
a cesspool of pure bullshit
and into the muck it's sure to sink.
Times will change as more people
realize our cultures picture
of how things should be is as artificial as the
latest movie's flying monkey special effects.
This much is clear---
if we don't change our culture,
Nature will change it for us,
because societies caught
in the grip of corporate profit margins
are not sustainable,
doing great harm to their own citizens,
and to the world around us all.

Dewey Dirks

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Glob Glue

Glob Glue

Every time day-to-day
troubles try to pull
me away from you,
sweet Nature
brings me a few memories
that make me feel anew
the lifeline between us
where sadness, and joy,
and our souls intertwine
to make a bond
beyond life and death
that can never be broken.

Once, a wise man
called it 'The bridge
across forever.”
You and I, very happy
to see the fun in all things,
stuck our tongues
out at each other,
and called it “Glob glue”

Dewey Dirks

Friday, April 18, 2014

Echos and Reflections

Echos and Reflections

The past and the future
are walls we each build
around ourselves trying
to keep warm, dry and happy.
Now, all men are short
when compared to time
and so our only roof
is always Natures own sky.

Talking to the past behind us
we hear only an echo
of where we are right now.
On the wall ahead of us
we put a mirror.
Looking to the future,
once again we only see
a reflection of what
our hopes and fears
are right now.
We plan for the future
based on the echos
we hear from the past
forgetting that the only
time we ever really have
long or short,
is right here and now.

The walls we've built
won't keep out stormy weather
but we all ought to know
beyond trouble forever follows
good times because the sky
is filled with starlight
on clear nights,
and we can always find sunshine
when comes passing
the blue sky day.

Take care that you don't
spend so much time
looking at reflections
and hearing echos
that you forget to notice
today because that's
the only place
you and the sky
ever really are.

Remember that
if you allow yourself,
you can touch paradise
even in the worst of storms
and if you obsess too much
with echos and reflections
you'll miss knowing joy
even on the brightest of days.

Dewey Dirks

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Publishing News

Hi folks, I have a few bits of news today. First, I'm happy and honored to tell you the same Occupy Wall Street that published me a few days ago has posted up another couple of poems I've written. Here is the link:

The second bit of news today is that a blog called “Our Poetry Corner,” has posted up a piece of mine. I've appeared in so many anthologies and on so many sites now, I can hardly keep track of them all. Here is the link to Our Poetry Corner:

Finally, one of my readers has translated one of my poems into Greek and made a video poem of it. My work seems to flow very well in Greek :) Here is the link:

I'm very grateful to all of these websites and people for posting up my work. Thank you all very much. D.D.

Saturday, April 12, 2014



I don't believe life
has a single purpose
to which we all
have to aspire.
Nature has gifted us all
with the right to choose
our own purpose.
You can do with your life
whatever your heart
and mind desire.
Personally, I've always
made my relationships,
the pursuit of knowledge,
and using my creativity
the things for which
I strive most.

I think I've chosen pretty well
because one of the things
I've learned along the way
is that how deeply you love
those near to you
and all the world around
seem to matter more and more
to you as you grow older.
I've noticed as well that
those who spend
their lives creating
with their minds, hearts and hands
seem to be more satisfied
as the years roll on.

I've also noticed
over the years
you never see someone
at the end of their days
who says, “Well, to hell
with all my lousy kids
and my five marriages,
I'll die in peace because
I made a boat load of money
and I owned a Mercedes Benz.”

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wildflower Free

Hi folks, I'm happy to tell you that my newest book, “Wildflower,” is available for free for a very limited time Be sure to drop on by and pick up a copy. You definitely won't be disappointed. You'll have to hurry as the promotion won't last long. Here is the link:  Wlidflower on

Friday, April 4, 2014

Clear Water River and Wanderer


I've been asking questions
all my life.
'Been wandering
since I was a kid.
I've climbed the highest
mountains I could find.
Rode fast and low
on the straightest desert roads
all alone moving one hundred miles
in an hours time.
Read the words of great souls
deep into many nights.
Talked to people crazier
than peach orchard squirrels.
Talked to people common as dirt.
Talked long, watching the sunrise
scores of times, with someone
as rare as a winged forest cat.
Talked to the wisest of men.
Crashed and been burned
more than once
only to stand again.
I've learned
and I've learned some more
until I knew
next to nothing again.

Rest easy traveler.
All roads lead to where
you want to be
when you're not sure
where you are going
and only remember
where you've been.

All you gotta know
is how to love
like you did
when you were five.
All you gotta be
is satisfied.
All you gotta do
is look at the world
through the eyes
of the child
you have always been.

Dewey Dirks

Clear Water River

Don't be fooled,
time is not the tick-tocking of a clock,
but rather the empty spaces in-between.
It doesn't wander its path
with precision cut,
sharp-edged marching steps,
nor does it only move slowly when you
are impatient and quickly when you
are enjoying yourself.

Reach deep inside
and touch time with your soul
where it meanders naturally
as the now-quick, now-slow
clear water river through
which we all swim.
There, it will move very
fast to help you
over steep, rocky mountain sides
and through rough patches in the road.
There, it will slow way, way down,
edging along drawn out long,
smooth and very quiet
to let you savor the moments
spent all alone at the kitchen table
or with your lover and best friend.
Find these and you'll
remember time
as you knew it
when you were a child.
Like so many truths, my friend,
time is relative and moves
to the colored rhythm of your soul.

Dewey Dirks