Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Three Truths of Art

The Three Truths of Art

You need to get past the mistaken idea
that the measure of success
with your art is money.
The point of all art is to nurture
your own soul and the souls of others
and to improve upon
the beauty of the world.
The purpose of creation, my friend,
is to create.
Art is a beginning,
middle, and end all by itself.
You are creating art for your own well being
and for the nurturing of others.
If your art nourishes your own soul
and the soul of just one other,
that is enough.
All the better if you can make
a little bit while doing it.
There are only three levels
of proficiency in any art;
Insufficient, sufficient,
and OMG! Wow!
If you are an artist, dancer,
writer, or musician
and you've been practicing your work
for four years or longer,
you can take heart in the knowledge
that you passed beyond insufficient
some time back.

Remember you will always be
your own worst critic
and even when you think
your work is half-assed,
others who see it will think
it's great and like it just fine.
When you begin to show
your work around to others,
you'll soon discover that
for every nine people
you show your work to,
three will be completely
indifferent to it,
three won't like it much at all,
and three will think it's wonderful.
Always remember, the only person
you absolutely have to please
is yourself.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



I sat at the table earlier tonight
looking out the open sliding glass door.
A light outside lined up with the door frame
so that when I leaned a certain way,
it appeared to shine on both sides of the frame.
They call this an optical illusion because
the perception of two lights
when there is really only one depends upon
the way your brain-box processes the information
it receives from your two eyes.
Yet, to you the light appears to split into two beams.

For the same reason they say
rainbows are optical illusions because
they aren't really there and you see them only because
your brain-box processes the refraction of light
off of raindrops in a certain way so there appears
to be a beautiful curve of colors off in the distant sky.

The secret my friends is that everything you see around you
all day long every day, are a series of illusions.
Cars and trucks appear to you to be what they are only because
your brain-box perceives them
to have a certain function and do certain things.
Houses appear to be what they are only because we all have
a certain perception that those rectangular enclosures
exist to shelter us and we all agree upon the illusion
that we owe the bank a great deal of money that we must pay
in order to use the house where we live and we each participate
in the further of illusion of pretending the house is ours.

Our physics teaches us that all matter and energy obey
a strange set of laws they call 'quantum mechanics'
and our perception of these quantum events
as well as the perceptions of our measuring instruments
depend on the interaction between the objects being observed
and the brain-boxes of the folks doing the observing.
So, the entirety of the world around us that we inadvertently
think of as 'real' depends on our perceptions in the same way
as the illusions of rainbows
and two beams shining when there is only one light.
Rainbows, lights shining outside your back door,
your car, the mortgage on your house, and everything else
that seems real to your brain-box
are all daydreams we each idly dream
deep within an great illusion,
floating gently in a grand enigma.

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, October 18, 2014



Most of the people
I've met over the years
have been peace loving humans
who had no desire to kill anyone
but many of them were also children
of their society and the sad truth
of it is that America is a country
that has been militarized
for over seventy years now.
We've long been immersed
in a cultural fog of fear, and wars
small and big, overt or undeclared.
You gotta know countries around the world
can't bomb themselves into peace
and the citizens of many countries
find themselves in the impossible
position of being for wars
and for peace at the same time.

Wake up! Wake up people!
Peace doesn't mean you're going to be
peaceful only until the next time
the talking heads on the wide screen TV
tell you it's time to go exploit, bomb and shoot
the next bunch of people into the ground.
You know exactly what peace means.
Peace is just that; The absence of war.

The distance between
where we are right now
and a peaceful Earth
is not as far as you might think.
Peace, my friends, lays
in the laps of two groups of people.
It resides with a few hundred leaders
around the world who steer the decisions
of the big corporations and countries.
Some leader some time is going to
have to stand up an say that the slaughter
stops with them and extend the hand of peace
to one and all around the world
because war only leads to more war
history has shown us all that.
It also resides with the world public
who refuse to show up
when they open the next war
for the business of killing.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


My mother passed away in 2010. Her birthday is this month. Two of her favorite things in life were playing music on her electric organ and photography. She loved to take pictures of flowers and landscapes and she was very good at it. It brought her much joy :) In her memory, today I'm going to post two photos she took. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Singing Silence

Singing Silence

All the world and its thousands
upon thousands of parts
is interconnected far beyond
the human capacity
to perceive or understand it.
I drive to coffee everyday looking
around me in utter amazement
and then I sit quietly drinking my cups
of coffee struck speechless as I marvel
at how finely and beautifully the fabric is woven.
The richly patterned cloth extending
through you, all around you
and as far into the distance
as your minds eye can see, hums softly
a beautiful and gentle song; A singing silence
that you can hear when you still the train
of ideas and thoughts streaming through your head.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Publishing Announcement

Hi folks :) I have some big news to tell you. After careful consideration, I've decided not to bring “Fifteen Sides” into publication as my next novel. Instead, I'm going to first publish a pair of poetry books, “Lullabies and Legends,” and “Journey.” I'll be crowd-funding both of them over the next few months. Stay tuned for more information....

Here are the current candidates for the covers of both books--- 

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Returning

The Returning

There is a place deep inside of you
that is as vast as all world outside.
A place where knowledge
becomes no-knowledge,
where opinion, knowing and wisdom
become not-knowing.
A place where stillness permeates movement
and movement permeates stillness.
A place where time goes
now a little faster, now a little slower,
and has little meaning.
A place where everything that before
seemed dead and devoid of feeling
becomes alive and infused
with emotion, compassion and empathy.
It is from there you began,
and to there you must travel.
To there you must return
again and again .
There you meet yourself,
and become once more,
the child you have always been.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Ideas come and ideas go.
They're memes cooking with fire.
Ideas appear out of nowhere
too roll all around inside our heads.
They paint the world we see
from white noise nothingness into
the elegant colors of the morning dawn,
into dark storm clouds, or clear blue sky,
into forest covered green hills
and brilliant shining sun,
into busy big city streets,
or rainy summer afternoon rainbows.

Ideas come and ideas go.
They're memes cooking with fire.
Born of the dance between
the blue electric light of our spirits
and the flowing world outside,
they allow us to engage the world
and play out our parts
on the wide stages of life.
It's true that depending
on the ideas you happen to use
life can be a living hell
or an adventure through paradise.

Ideas come and ideas go.
They're memes cooking with fire.
Our favorite ideas
feel like old, well worn tools
for us to pick up and put down.
We use them daily
to adapt to changes as time flows by
or to preserve as best we can
the imaginary equilibrium
of the status quo.
Other ideas are rough and craggy chunks
of unworked stone for us to struggle with
or sculpt into a finer form, and thereby learn.

Ideas come and ideas go.
They're memes cooking with fire.
Our toolboxes are as deep as creativity
and as varied and vividly colored
as imagination.
Some ideas are memories.
Some ideas are art.
Some ideas are for getting things done,
some ideas are for throwing away.
Some are for laughing,
some are for flying,
some are for fun,
and some are for improving upon
the beauty of the world.
Some ideas are very special
and blossom and unfold like eternal flowers
as they return home to the mists of our spirits
and become part of our living souls

Dewey Dirks