Monday, October 26, 2015

Thank Life

Thank Life

This life we each breathe...
So much to see
feel and experience
in everyday life
that can be called
nothing besides miraculous
very small, large and in between

A wise man once said
there are only two ways
to look at life---
as though nothing
is a miracle
or as though
everything is a miracle

I've tried both,
and have to say
I seem to notice more of life
when I look for miracles

They say
if you are living your life
as you should,
you'll be swimming
in a sea of coincidence

From where do they all come?
Some say God puts them there
Some say we ourselves
put them there
simply by noticing....

So, I stand on brown earth
and green grass,
look up at stars each night
or the bright sun
and white clouds
of a winters day
and thank life....
that is my way

Dewey Dirks

Monday, October 19, 2015



Not knowing
what the future
might bring,
the cultures of Man
move naturally together
towards an unknown tomorrow
in an unspoken dance.
Our sounds are the same
as the sound of rain
in stormy darkness
pattering a natural song
all the night long.

Our market economies
and the governments
that support them
one day will outlive
their usefulness
---perhaps sooner than you think,
and fall by the wayside
going the way of
the feudal societies
that once ruled men.
Soon enough we all will stride
to the tune of a new day.

Rest easy friend,
our halting dances,
follow the Earth music
as all others do
on our blue and white sky marble
and the paths that
we men tumble and tussle along
trace the grand song of life
just as flocks of swallows
turn and twist in unison
on their long path south
flying to melodies
that have never been
set to paper.

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Something New

Something New

My late wife and I lived together
For over twenty years
It was a charmed romance
In many ways
When you know someone that long,
You've heard pretty much
Everything they have to say
About a dozen times over
But whenever Laino and I talked
There was an endless summer in her voice
And what she had to say
Just never got old to my ears

My time with her helped me learn
That every single day
Really is something that is fresh
And although you see and hear
The same sort of things over and over again
If your love for them is soul deep
Each passing day forever remains
Something new

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Benefit of a Doubt

Benefit of a Doubt

Don't despair others their beliefs.
Everyone you ever meet
knows a thing or two
that is as wise
as the Earth Mother is old
just as everyone you ever meet
believes a few things
that are as screwy as a bent corkscrew.
To greet every day loaded for bear,
look for pieces of yourself in others
and pieces of them in yourself.
Meet all in life with the benefit of a doubt
and as much kindness as you can muster.

Dewey Dirks