Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Many Sided

Many Sided

The truth is not always beautiful
Nor is it always cold or hard to accept
Very many of the things
That people argue over
Are actually many-sided truths
Whose distinguishing characteristic
Is that opposing ideas
Can both carry equal portions of truth
Like a gem that shines one color
When you hold it a certain way
And a different color
When you turn it another

Failure to recognize that truths
Are very often multi-sided is the source
Of much of the discontent in the world
And the reason why a very wise man once said,
'Say not “I have found the truth,”
But rather, “I have found a truth”
Say not “I have found the path of the soul”
Say rather, “I have met the soul
Walking on my path”'

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, March 10, 2016



Someone famous once said
'There are those
Who want to abuse you,
Those who want to be abused,
Those who want to use you
And those who want to be used'
But they forgot to mention
Those who want to share
And to be shared

Whomever seeks to create
Win-win relationships
With those that they journey beside
Will find themselves
Among the unspoken legislators
Of human discourse upon Mother Earth
Symbionts are the hidden tillermen of Mankind

Dewey Dirks