Monday, May 30, 2016

Line to Tow

Line to Tow

Everyone who lives
on Mother Earth.
Everyone you ever meet.
Everyone you ever know.
Everyone you don't know.
All of us here have a line to tow
---things that we each
need to learn in life.

Some need learn
to control themselves,
some need to learn to let go.
Some need to learn not to
doubt themselves so much,
some need to learn
that they're not always right.
Some need to learn
to be more giving,
some need to learn
that they're as important
as those they try to help.
Some need to learn how powerful
their spirit really is,
others need to learn
we all are just living specks
on one tiny blue dot
among billions upon billions of others.

Some need to learn more patience,
some need to learn
when enough is enough.
Some need to learn
they can take care of themselves,
others need to learn
it's OK to let others help them.
Some need to learn to be
more trusting of others,
some need to learn to be
more cautious.
Some need to learn
to not be so believing of their culture,
some need to learn to have faith
that nature knows
what she's doing
by evolving people.

Some need to learn not to
act without a little forethought,
others need to learn
when to have some faith
and jump into the unknown.
Some need to learn
to love wonder and learning,
others need to learn
when they've learned enough.

Some need to learn to ask
themselves a few questions,
Some need to learn
to have some faith
in the answers they've found.
Some need to find out
what they need to learn,
some need to learn
what they need to unlearn.
Some need to learn love and affection
come in many kinds,
some need to learn how to give
of their soul
and love with their entire being.

Dewey Dirks

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Human perception is granular
Made up of lots of bits and pieces
That we happen to notice
Of the world around us
It never is really a complete picture
Of all that is possible to take in

Our worldviews are composites
Made of ideas and notions and expectations
Like the picture on your computer screen
Is made of many thousands of tiny dots of color
And the resolution of what we each perceive
Is made better when we increase the number
Of worldviews that we draw upon
Don't rely on the views
Of just one culture, religion,
Scientific discipline, or philosophy
All the better to paint
Your picture of the world
With as large a palette as you can muster

Dewey Dirks

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Ways We Have Fun

The Ways We Have Fun

Many times we think
Of the things we learn in life
In terms of what we are taught
By the strife, struggling and hard times
We each face in life
And many of us think it is only the difficult times
That have anything to teach us
But the lessons all of us can learn
From the ways we each entertain ourselves
Are just as valuable and important

The ways we have fun in life
Point the way to knowing
What we find truly valuable and fulfilling
The ways we have fun in life
Teach us each of laughter,
Of happiness and how to relax
The enjoyment we get in our pleasure time
Show us the way down the path
Of letting ourselves be who we really are

Much of our daily banter and blustering
Is about a supposed maturity
That we imagine to be very adult and serious
When the only real maturity to be found
Is in the journey back
To the sort of acceptance and love
That you knew how to have
When you were four years old
In the end, all any of us hope,
All any of use are,
And that all we aspire to be
Are the children of infinity

Dewey Dirks