The Questioning Way Blog is written by Dewey Dirks, author of The Questioning Way, a book about open mindedness, skepticism, the human spirit and creating your own beliefs. This blog showcases both Mr. Dirks' book and examples of work from twenty years of writing
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Damn! Optimisim is Addictive. Better try it while it's still legal....
"Faith" is from the beginning of one of the chapters in the Questioning Way.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
We The People
Here is a video done by a group over in Ireland. Perhaps we should take a page out of these guys book :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Closing Schools, Cutting Education----
I rarely make political posts on the Questioning Way Blog, and I rarely have guest writers. Today I'm doing both. My young friend, Ambrosia, is a 20 year old college student who is livid about the fact that many in this country have lately become intent on targeting education for budget cuts. Ambrosia and I are both astounded that Federal and local governments in the U.S. appear prepared to further impair an educational system that is already a flaming piece of shit. (as we all are quite aware) Starve the young a decent chance at education to save a few bucks? What kind of reasoning is that? Anyone who wouldn't be wiling to pay a few more taxes in order to give the young a decent education ought to wake up and fly right. We all should be ashamed. I'm sure you all will find Ambrosia's essay to be written from the heart. --DD
I see several people have been looking for a poem I posted up here some time back. So, here is a repost of "Bravery" for those of you who've been looking for it. This is a poem from the latter half of The Questioning Way
When I walked into the bar
Two kids were calling him out
One had a broken bottle, the other had a short club
Steiger was not a big man, and he was unarmed
But good lord, he had a look about him!
A chill went through the room and he stood to face them
Steiger squared up and said
“Before you start
With whatever problem it is you have with me
I'll tell you this--- I don't care
What kind storm you think you are,
I guarantee that you have never seen the like
Of a few of the storms I have been through.
Now, you do what you think you want to do
I just thought you ought to know.”
Steiger waited
The kids stared back at him
I don't think they knew exactly what to do
Finally, one of them pulled his friends shirt
He said, “Shit Jeff! Come on let's go!”
Ole Jeff dropped his bottle and walked out of there
I guess he realized
He'd bit off a little more than he could chew
Steiger sat back down
And I shimmied up beside him
I said “I'm pleased to meet you
I think that's the bravest thing I can recall seeing
Steiger took a drink and smiled
'Said “Hell son, that wasn't brave
That was just solid sense.
Now brave? I've seen brave a time or two”
Brave is jumping back over the wall
To save a good man down
As the bullets come flying back at you
Brave is being alone on your bike
And trying that corner at seventy
When there's gravel, the sign says twenty-five tops
And you know what's gonna happen
If the ground takes a swipe at you
Now, that's the kind of bravery that faces death
But braver still, I think
Is the kind that faces life, son
Brave is being a single mother alone in the big city
You come home every day to two little ones who are hungry
And you know the only thing
Between them and some serious hurt
Is you and your shitty job
Down at the 7-11
There is a kind of bravery
That hopes beyond all hope
And still tries to get things done
When just about everything in life has fallen apart
All the chips are down
And all you've got is a pair of three's on the table
There is a kind of bravery that has a dream
And still keeps crawling on
When you're only half-way done
As all the bills keep coming due
And for all the world it still appears
That you don't have a ghost's chance in hell
Of ever seeing it all the way through
Then there's the kind
That loves deeply and loses
But dares to try and love again
And the kind that loves easy
And dares try to find room in their heart
For everyone
If you face death and lose
Well, you'll be dead and gone
And nothing much will matter to you
But if you face life and lose
Then you have to live
With what has happened to you
Dewey Dirks copyright 2008
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
God, Fate, Luck and Destiny---
Hey folks, news just in! --- God, fate, luck and destiny are all busy this century. Damn! It looks like you'll have to make things happen for you by doing it yourself.
No matter how bad you have it----
Yesterday, I was talking to my friend Tee. I said, "Today's a bitch. One car blew a tire and the other one overheated." She said, "Hey, just be glad you've got two cars. Some people don't have any." Wise woman, Tee.
No matter how bad you think you've got it, there is always someone else who thinks you're lucky to have it as good as you do.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Don't Call Me Collect---
The next two poems go together and are written about a subject we all think about from time to time. “Don't Call me Collect” was actually written in the late 90's, “Route 27,” about ten years later. There are a couple things about the subject of religion and God that you can be sure of. First, the more certain you are that you have answers, the more likely it is that you don't, and second, even if you are an atheist or agnostic, if there is a God, you'd definitely like to meet him/her even if were just to bitch at them for awhile :) After you write something like "Route 27" people ask you if you believe in God. Well, to be honest, I've never really figured the God thing out completely, but I'm pretty sure that if there is a God, finding them has more to do with the questions we each ask than the answers any one of us has ever found.
Don't call me collect --God
Perhaps on some golden throne
alive in the sky, you watch over each of us
--rain warm love, bathing one by one
man and sparrow with most tender care
Or, like a child at play
did you make the clock your grand experiment?
then, called to dinner, you plan to be back at eight
wondering if we'll still be tocking
Are you a big ashen bearded daddy?
with all the answers up there
will you spank us forever if we don't believe?
Maybe you're a cosmic hippie
you say "Hey don't you remember?
ten thousand years ago
we all stood at Salisbury in ecstasy"
Then, with hand to forehead you say
"Or maybe it was nineteen seventy-one
you know, all that acid still gets to me"
Are you a wrinkled old man?
stuttering, the very edge of senility
you wait at the gate, white picket complacency
We come home for a hug and obligatory visit
the younger playing Grandfather for a free dime
Perhaps you are a crone, ancient and wise
living in rock, road, brook, and tree
You made a hard, wondrous, magical land
where stumbling, we acolytes slowly learn of beauty
With fire on your finger tips
maybe you throw lightning bolts
make floods, cause the sky to darken
Perhaps you'll let five thousand faithful in
"All the rest be damned!" you say as the earth quakes
Perhaps one time, some time, ever time
we'll be sitting in the park, you and I
Muhammad, Gautama and Einstein play dice across the way
cool green grass, white daisies, blue sky, shade trees
I say, "You know, I wondered always if you were a figment"
You say, "Don't we all, my friend, begin and end in fantasy?"
Dewey Dirks Copyright 2010
Route 27....
Route 27
Late one night
I was out for a ride on the bike
on a long desert road called State Route 27.
The moon was full and bright.
Stars peppered the warm August sky.
The road was empty
and the night was asking
for a high speed run.
I decided to open it on up.
Let her go right to the edge.
Let her really breath.
I brought her up to around one thirty-five
and settled in for a ride long, fast and low.
The headlight shouted out brightly in front of me
and the engine wound out in a high pitched yell
as the white lines blinked quickly on by
silent and oh so fast.
My senses were as alert
as they could possibly get
and in spite of the darkness
every detail of the passing road
jumped out at my eyes.
I swear I could see
the gravel embedded in the rushing asphalt
and the barbs on the wire fence
at the side of the road.
Like so many times before,
I fell once again, in love with life,
the rapid beat of my heart.
and the quickness of my rolling breath.
Just then in my shimmering mirror
on the horizon behind me
I saw the headlight of another bike
coming up hard, coming up quick.
Ten seconds later
a slender figure on a dark blue chopper
blew by me like I was standing still.
I rolled the throttle wide open.
Pretty soon I was doing about one forty-three
but I couldn't catch her
and I watched her taillight
quickly become a distant dot on the road.
Right before it disappeared,
it looked like she pulled over,
I backed on down.
Before long I was coming up beside her.
I came to a stop
and shut off my bike.
--Figured I'd rest for awhile
and chat with the lady.
Leaning on on the seat of her ride
having a smoke
was a beautiful woman, maybe forty
with deep blue eyes and long dark hair.
She and her bike had kind of a glow about them.
Very subtle but bright at the same time.
Friendly but kind of mysterious.
Very quiet, kind of peaceful,
unquestionably kind.
I nodded hello, not knowing exactly what to say.
She nodded back and said
in a voice like a love song by Dido,
“Evening. Nice night for a drive.”
I looked back at her
and knew I had to wonder out loud.
I smiled as best I could and asked,
“Just who are you?”
She shrugged and said,
“Oh, they call me by lots of names.
You probably know me as 'I am,' or 'Alpha and Omega,'
or some of that other useless stuff humans like to say.
You all really need to learn
any word you want can mean everything
or nothing at all
as you so choose.
Why don't you call me 'Sparky,'
or 'Wiggles,' or 'Effy?'
That would suite me just fine.”
“You're God? Or maybe an Alien?” I asked.
She chuckled and said,
“I'll leave all that up to you.”
I looked at her confused.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“Like you, I'm just out for a late night ride,” she smiled.
I still didn't know exactly who she was
but I did know she was someone very, very special.
“I've got so many questions...” I stammered,
“I don't know where to begin.”
“One of the really nice things about people” she said,
“Is that they are very curious creatures.
Always full of questions.”
“So what's the right point of view?
We have so many...” I asked.
“You know all those religions and philosophies
That people bicker over
and fight about all the time?” she said,
“Well they all have a few good ideas,
every one of them.
They all carry around a bunch of bullshit too.
And science is pretty much the same way.
People really need to learn to think
in a many-sided fashion
Instead of just bi-valently.
You can put that in your pipe and smoke it,” she smiled.
I thought about that for a minute
Then I asked,
“So what does the future hold?
People seem so messed up a lot of the time.”
She took a drag on her cigarette and said,
“You know, some guy once said
that the meek would inherit the earth.
Well, I've got some news for you
---they inherited it some time back.
But humanity is kind of a fixer-upper species
and change can happen only so fast
without making a big mess of everything.
Imagine the best of the 20's and 60's.
Imagine the golden ages of music
and the intellectual leaps forward
during the Renaissance.
These are previews of things to come.
But humans have a ways to go.
You've got to get it through
your thick, Cro-Magnon heads
that every time you disagree
it's not good to start killing each other.
And you've got to learn to make governments
that don't attract power mongers quite so fast.
It's also important to learn to make companies
that have a conscience
and a genuine sense of human decency.
And you humans really need to learn
to share a lot better.
“I said, “Geeze, we sound like bratty children.”
She chuckled, “Well, Homo sapiens
Is a pretty young species.
If all humanity were a single person
you'd be around twelve years old, by my reckoning.
So you see, you're just starting to grow up a bit.
Far in the future, when you're much older
you humans will have great adventures
and do great things, if you ask me.
She took a drag on her smoke, then continued,
“I have to tell you,
there will always be some inequalities
because that's the only way to build a world
in which you can strive.
But one day people will seek to better their spirit
with the same enthusiasm
that today they use to build better guns
and make more money.
There will also always be people better and worse
because that's the only way to make a world
where those who need to can learn to improve.
But one day the worst of men
will be as kind than the most generous human
of your time.
One day men will fight their personal ignorance
and fear of their own inner beauty
with the same determination
they use to fight each other today.
All this might sound kind of strange
considering the way humans are right now
but you can make this future
a reality one day for all mankind
by making it a reality for yourself today.
For humans, improvement happens
From the bottom up and from the inside out
One person at a time.
Now, don't think of being a good man
like it means you gotta be
all pansy and syrupy sweet.
One day humans will be kind of like
the good-bad guys of the universe.
They'll have kind dispositions
and big hearts
but with a lot of edge
like a good rock and roll song.
But humans need to realize
that the most powerful things in life
don't always end up fighting each other.
You all have the bad habit
of often thinking the greatest tests in life
involve war and fighting and killing each other
when the biggest challenge a human can face
is learning how to love better.
Effy took one last drag off her cigarette.
She glanced at it and said,
“Did I bother to mention
you really need to get off peoples asses
about smoking these things.
it's really not worse than overeating.”
Then she smiled and said,
“Damn! Enough talking. Lets take a ride.”
She got on her bike and cranked it on up.
I could see the sky move a bit when it started.
I got on my bike
and hit the button to light the tubes.
Effy waited as the ground shook
with every thump of her engine.
Then we pulled out onto Route 27
and pretty soon we were doing around one twenty-five.
We rode beside each other till almost dawn.
Just as the sun broke the skyline,
I felt kindness and compassion wash over me
along with a dose of 'Fuck a fine mess' too.
Then Effy down shifted
and gave me a thumbs-up.
About ten seconds later all I could see of her
was a tiny red taillight fading into the horizon.
But I'll tell you, as the night had rolled on
with us riding side by side
I knew what it was to feel joy.
Dewey Dirks---copyright 2009
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What's Right....
Many days I end up talking to quite a few people for the promotion of The Questioning Way blog and book. Every once in awhile I have one of those really good but really short conversations with someone where not a lot needs to be said, because everyone is on the same page. Today's post is for my new friend Jeanna with whom I recently had the pleasure of having one of those kind of conversations. "What's Right" is a poem featured in the book.
What's Right
He was bad news walking
The kind of guy you wish you didn't know
He was in his late thirties,
And had gone too far too early on
He was a big dog in big business
Leaking money and dripping pride
Smelled of Bourbon every day by 5:00pm
He played hardball and bragged of shady deals
Told me all about steamy nights with his secretary
While his wife waited at home
With dinner getting cold, a barking dog
And two children needing to be tucked in
Then one evening I saw him down at the bar
He said, John, everything's gone to shit, and I just don't know
Life is hollow, and I'm all wrong
I think my wife is gonna leave me, take my kids
How did I ever let it get this way?
What I should do? I just don't know
I said, hell Ed, yes you do
You did all along
They say all is fair in love and war
But I really don't believe that anymore
You know, a long time ago, I was just like you
I liked lotsa fat in life, loved only fast lanes on fast bikes
Hung always with bombshell bimbos shallow as a cocaine spoon
Every day I played both ends to the middle
Shot jacked-up pool with the best of them
And thought I'd do whatever it took
To make sure I'd always win
Then late one night out on a jet-black 750
Long, hard and deep on a right-hand curve
Ridin' way too fast, the bike went down
And four days later, I woke up damn near dead
But listen, weeks later, when I walked out of that hospital
The sky couldn't have been bluer
And the May air had never been as sweet and fresh
Standing there with metal in my hip
I held my head high
And looked at the day with bright new eyes
Live each day
As if it's going to be your last
Leave a good word with every stranger you meet
Make sure your ideals are well thought out
And worn on your sleeve
Every day, show the ones you care about
How much you appreciate them
And when the chance arises
To do things great or small
Have some faith and don't hesitate to leap
Because you might not be around too long
Just as every man can love
So each of us has a sense
That tells him what he ought to be doing
Knows what is right and what is wrong
Shows him what is kind, caring and strong
Sometimes it takes losing everything
To take a good hard look
And find out that all you really need to know
To steer a better course in life
Is already written in an open book inside of you
Live life full and hearty
If you find love, don't walk away
But make sure you run your desires
Don't let them run you
Always remember
Each morning begins a day not yet penned
Throw the game a time or two
In someones favor, who has less than you do
Guide your life with a compass that hopes
When your story is all written
And you've set your sail one last time
The blue and white rippling wake
You quietly leave behind
Will be gentle, uncommon and kind
Dewey Dirks---copyright 2009
Monday, April 11, 2011
Lullabies and Legends.....
This is a possible cover for my upcoming book "Lullabies and Legends." I'll be posting several different covers for this project as we try to decide on exactly which cover to use. Lullabies and Legends is a book that will include some of the content that has been posted on this blog, such as the poems "Journey," "Touch a Heart," and "The Great Blue Dragon".
Saturday, April 9, 2011
These next two posts are about the same woman. The first shows her when she's around twenty-four years old and a very wild young woman. The second is about her twenty years later when she is in her forties
Rock & roll lady, rock & roll classy
rock & roll ride
She's a little too pretty
a little too sassy
a little too easy with her time
Got a blond haired boy in her pocket
two boys in her purse
and another on the telephone line
She's always been part of the music
her soul, pieces of a dozen songs
looking down the years
swaying to the rhythm of the lines
she's said 'I love you' to thirty steely eyes
embraced passion and saw it in the melody every time
She tells little white lies
just to keep the world alive
and she hides like a child sometimes
but the song forever rolls
with a beat strong, insistent & true
where guitar's rebel like a sharp edged tool
while bass notes weave smoky blue doubts
and the music makes strong men fools
Each night I move over her body
and do what I want with my time
I can touch the music, caress a lullaby
but lyrics are fleeting shadows
the song, a secret question
hidden in the sparkle of turquoise eyes
Dewey Dirks copyright 1992
For Elaine
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