I see several people have been looking for a poem I posted up here some time back. So, here is a repost of "Bravery" for those of you who've been looking for it. This is a poem from the latter half of The Questioning Way
When I walked into the bar
Two kids were calling him out
One had a broken bottle, the other had a short club
Steiger was not a big man, and he was unarmed
But good lord, he had a look about him!
A chill went through the room and he stood to face them
Steiger squared up and said
“Before you start
With whatever problem it is you have with me
I'll tell you this--- I don't care
What kind storm you think you are,
I guarantee that you have never seen the like
Of a few of the storms I have been through.
Now, you do what you think you want to do
I just thought you ought to know.”
Steiger waited
The kids stared back at him
I don't think they knew exactly what to do
Finally, one of them pulled his friends shirt
He said, “Shit Jeff! Come on let's go!”
Ole Jeff dropped his bottle and walked out of there
I guess he realized
He'd bit off a little more than he could chew
Steiger sat back down
And I shimmied up beside him
I said “I'm pleased to meet you
I think that's the bravest thing I can recall seeing
Steiger took a drink and smiled
'Said “Hell son, that wasn't brave
That was just solid sense.
Now brave? I've seen brave a time or two”
Brave is jumping back over the wall
To save a good man down
As the bullets come flying back at you
Brave is being alone on your bike
And trying that corner at seventy
When there's gravel, the sign says twenty-five tops
And you know what's gonna happen
If the ground takes a swipe at you
Now, that's the kind of bravery that faces death
But braver still, I think
Is the kind that faces life, son
Brave is being a single mother alone in the big city
You come home every day to two little ones who are hungry
And you know the only thing
Between them and some serious hurt
Is you and your shitty job
Down at the 7-11
There is a kind of bravery
That hopes beyond all hope
And still tries to get things done
When just about everything in life has fallen apart
All the chips are down
And all you've got is a pair of three's on the table
There is a kind of bravery that has a dream
And still keeps crawling on
When you're only half-way done
As all the bills keep coming due
And for all the world it still appears
That you don't have a ghost's chance in hell
Of ever seeing it all the way through
Then there's the kind
That loves deeply and loses
But dares to try and love again
And the kind that loves easy
And dares try to find room in their heart
For everyone
If you face death and lose
Well, you'll be dead and gone
And nothing much will matter to you
But if you face life and lose
Then you have to live
With what has happened to you
Dewey Dirks copyright 2008
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