Monday, September 22, 2014

Standing Up For The Environment

Hi folks. I know the mainstream media hasn't reported on it much (of course) but over 310,000 people showed up for yesterdays march in New York City to protest against climate change policy. It's good to hear that more and more people are taking an interest in protecting our environment and coming out against our cultures insane dependance on petroleum. I hear today that they've gathered at Wall Street to protest the contribution of corporations to greenhouse gasses. Once again, it's good that people are standing up to corporate and governmental idiocy. It really is up to us to straighten out the behavior of our civilization before it runs itself into the ground. It just goes to show that the general population has a better conception of how our culture should behave than the ruling classes do...Keep it up people! Remember folks, it's not about one country verses another, democrat verses republican, or one religion verses another. It's all about humanity verses corporate shortsightedness and greed.

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