Monday, September 8, 2014

Three Faces

Three Faces

We each are of three minds.
Each person, a tree with three faces.
The first mind is propelled by fear
and feeds on anger and ignorance.
It seeks to control everything
and tries always to avoid change.
You should listen to this mind
only one time in every twenty.

The second mind is propelled by glowing passion.
It thrives on high hopes and sky reaching dreams.
It gives us each the will,
intelligence and energy to strive in life.
You should listen to this mind
nineteen times in every twenty.

The third mind is your soul and is propelled by love.
It's the part of us that is closest to the Universe
and precedes all that you have ever been or will ever be.
It gives us each the ability to see the grace
and the redemption hidden in everything.
It is very old and enormously wise
even in young children.
Through its eyes you can see and feel
the quiet melody that nudges and twirls us all.
Every day, bring yourself to sway to its music.
You should listen to this mind
every time you hear its lilting song.

It is often harder for a person
to become aware of the love in their soul
than it is for them to see
their shortcomings and their fears.
To open your eyes to the nature of the world,
to be a complete and whole person,
you must learn to live
embracing all three minds.

The first face gives you propriety, caution
and energy to grow your roots very deep.
The second face gives you purpose,
strength and fiber to grow your branches
broad and high reaching for the sky.
The third face gives you your life force.
It carries with it the power of miracles,
and can keep alive dying men.
It can turn mere truth into wisdom,
binds all three minds together as one,
and it has the strength to overcome
any obstacle you might ever happen across.

Dewey Dirks

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