Sunday, September 30, 2012

Universe On A Blue Dot

Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Single Thing

One Single Thing

Twenty-five hundred years ago
Lao Tzu wrote of Tao
He said that all the world
was one single system
one single thing

Here in the twenty-first century
our science teaches us the Earth
is a single biosystem
of thousand of interrelated parts
One single system
one single thing

My friends
look at the Earths biosystem----
The lives of species everywhere
affect the well being
of other species
Thousands of interrelated parts
one single system
one single thing

Like a coral with thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a colony
to make a single creature
Earths living biosystems
are thousands
of individual creatures
all living in a self-sustaining
forever evolving colony
to create
one single system
one single thing

If the Earth isn't itself alive
it certainly has a lot of parts that are....
One single system
one single thing

The Earth is alive
and we each are a part of that life
The Earth is our mother
One single system
one single thing

Personally, I think
all of Earths religions
all of our science
all of our conceptions of Gods
have been efforts to perceive
and understand the life,
the biosystem
that we all are a part of
All equal in their
different conceptions of
one single system
one single thing

I would imagine
Like any living thing
She cares very deeply
for all of her parts

Dewey Dirks

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Universe Looking Back

Universe Looking Back

Who has found kindness
in themselves
is able to
touch it in others
as well

Who has found kindness
In themselves
finds friendship
wherever they go

Who has found kindness
in themselves
walks in peace
even in the most
troubled of places

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found deep strength
in themselves as well

Who has found kindness
in themselves
is in the best agreement
with the world

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found the truth
waiting within all things

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has found peace in
that which changes
and peace in
that which endures as well

Who has found kindness
in themselves
has looked inward
and found the universe
                                                 looking back                                                

Dewey Dirks