Tuesday, September 29, 2015



Normally we all believe
it is us who experience life,
and we each build
well lived lives
by accumulating scores
of memorable moments.
So, when you experience life
in some special way, you say,
For me, it's been
a memorable moment.”

But every once in great awhile,
you have an experience
where it seems that Nature herself
takes time out of her busy, busy day
to pay attention just to you.
When life experiences you in this way
it becomes something mystical.

When comes the day you realize
Nature is always
experiencing you in this way
just as you are experiencing her.
When comes the day
you find that both you and the world
are forever as young lovers,
meeting in a vast, vast sea
of happenstance and coincidence,
falling in love just now,
discovering each other,
over and over again, every day,
then you're a mystic.

Dewey Dirks

Friday, September 25, 2015

Good Company

Good Company

The universe we living in
Is not so much a thing
As it is a process---
An action in continuous motion

It is also not so much a thing
As it is a vast colony
Made of many trillions
Of symbiont creatures and things

And you are a reflection
Of that universe---
Not a thing,
But process in motion,
A symbiont colony made
Of a great many other things

When I first learned this
I thought, 'So what?
What difference does that make?'
But when I began to behave
Like I understood
That I was connected
To everything around me
And everything was connected to me
Things changed
I realized that I welcomed
The world and everything in it
And I began to see it welcomed me
Where before I was all alone
Now I am forever more
With good company

Dewey Dirks

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Lullaby in Your Name

A Lullaby in Your Name

Living in the busy kaleidoscope
Of moments and people
Moving all around you,
Drink of the wonders
Of ten-thousand things

Living in the gentle embrace
Of solitude,
All alone in the crowd,
Bathe in the blue water river
That flows quietly
Through all things
Just beyond the ends of time

Look! Listen!
Something beautiful there,
From beyond what any man knows,
Sings softly a lullaby
In your name

Dewey Dirks

Monday, September 7, 2015



The more aware
and at peace
a person is
with his own
inner nature,
the more he
is aware
and at peace
with the Universal Nature
because his inner nature
is itself a piece
of the natural world.
Look outward
and you discover
Look inward
and you discover
the world.

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Computer Talk

Hi folks. Hope your day is going well :) Just a note to let you know I'll be writing articles about computer hardware over at a website called “Bestcovery.com” Bestcovery is a website that recommends the best buys for all sorts of cars, healthcare products, appliances and things like computers and cameras. Be sure to drop by there and take a look around. Here is a link to my first article for them: It's about the best full size computer cases for the money. Click on the link to go to the site: https://www.bestcovery.com/best-computer-case#35617