Thursday, May 28, 2015



A wise man once said
That the more real you get, the more unreal
The world gets, and I've found that to be true
One of the great mysteries of life
Is that while most of us pay attention
Only to the waking dream that surrounds us all
Looking endlessly for continuity
And a respite from change,
The life spark in each of us, that carries us each along
Is something intangible---
Forever still like a gentle painting
Of quiet summer afternoon
Yet always moving with a force from a timeless time

Common as the brown dirt beneath your feet
Yet mysterious and enigmatic
Far beyond any words you can find to use
Floating like dandelions seeds on a morning breeze
We all wander in the bosom of a life force
Far more intangible, mysterious and enigmatic than our own
The more you notice, the more you see
Much that is both beautiful and which cannot be explained
Wake up and look around you, my friend
Until life appears so complex
It becomes simple once again

Dewey Dirks

Sunday, May 24, 2015



You can learn from your mistakes
You can learn from your shortcomings
You can learn from your strengths
You can learn from what you do right
You can learn from the mistakes of others
You can learn from their shortcomings
You can learn from their strengths
You can learn from what they do right
You become the best of students
When you learn from life itself
And when you listen to your own advice

Dewey Dirks

Monday, May 18, 2015

Up For Guessing

Up For Guessing

Long ago I wrote that there are
Only a handful of things that a person
Can know with any great certainty
And I said the only absolute truth
A person can be sure of
Is that they're breathing

Now, fifty-five years down the line
I've seen things happen so terrible
That they reached
To the marrow of my bones,
I've seen things happen
So beautiful beyond
The conveyance of any words
That they imprinted
Their images into my soul
And I've rediscovered several times over
That both truths and reality itself
Are as malleable as the combined imaginations
Of seven billion human minds can make them

Fifty-five years on,
I've still only found a few absolute truths
---That I'm breathing
And that breath is a gift all by itself
Far beyond any human measure
And that the great rivers
Of love run as deep as the farthest reaches
Of all the stars at night
Everything else
Is pretty much up for guessing
And that is a very good thing, my friend,
Because within uncertainty
Are hidden freedom,
Hope, and the seeds of creativity

Dewey Dirks

Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Imagine for a minute
How strangely
Arranged the world
We live in might be---
Well, you can be certain
That no matter what
You happen to imagine,
It's arranged stranger than that

Everything that lives has a soul---
Tiny bits of the divine
Distributed in equal measure
Among many trillions of living beings
When comes the day
You happen into your own soul
You'll likely think you've found God

We all alive in a giant sea of life
On a tiny blue dot up in the sky
Life here extends fifty thousand feet
Up into the air
And about eight thousand feet
Down into the ground
Look around my friend, you live
About eight thousand feet
Up from the bottom
In a grand ocean of souls
And most of us live our entire lives
Without ever knowing it

Pretty much everything
In the Universe is connected
To everything else
In a vast, vast, intricately woven
Sea of connections
And those goofy little ditties
Of creativity that we call intelligence
Are just the ability
Of our minds
To notice and utilize
The tiny, tiny fraction
Of all those connections
That we are adapted and able
To find relevant
And the links of causation
We've built our sciences
And logic around?
Those are just special cases
Of inference that we're adapted
To perceive and use

Life is art in motion
An artist is one who is able
To find tiny pieces of what's enchanted
And put them to paper,
Canvas or string
Though often it remains hidden
By the illusion of our waking dreams
In our Universe, love, humor,
Grace and beauty prevail
And deep in our souls
We each already know it

Dewey Dirks

Thursday, May 7, 2015



Everyone you ever meet
Is quite addicted
To a number of things
Though many times
We only use that word
When we believe
An addiction is harmful
For the rest we politely use words like
'habits,' 'character,' 'hobbies,' or 'rituals'
And as an excuse for keeping our addictions
We say things like,
I can't help it, it's just the way I am”

Don't be looking down, my friend
At those who have addictions to drugs or booze
Because you have a few addictions too
No matter how squeaky clean or healthy
You might figure yourself to be
And you can pretty much be certain
Some of your addictions aren't very good for you

By far the strongest addiction
Everyone you ever meet has
Is the addiction to their own point-of-view

Your point-of-view can be a disease---
A demon of your own making
That can cripple you horribly
Or drag you down
To a rotting hell in life
No matter what good
Might come your way

Or, your point-view can be
A drug like no other
With as much clarity as a fresh spring morning,
With a magic as deep and beautiful
As all the stars at night
And more powerful than anything
You could possibly ever put into your body,
Your point-of-view can give to you
A living, blue-sky paradise on Earth
Regardless of what
Terrible strife or tragedy
Life might throw your way

Remember, the more you tend to see
The more you tend to forgive
And the windows in your mind
You use to look at life
Really are what you tend to get back
It's not a matter of where you look
But much more a matter
Of what you happen to notice

Dewey Dirks