Saturday, April 26, 2014

Not Sustainable

Not Sustainable

Our culture tells us
we will find happiness in life
if only we get a good job,
support our military and the cops,
buy all the next big things,
and drink the right beer
but more and more of us,
as time goes on,
realize the deal
is neck-deep in bullshit.

The TV markets things
like cars, toothpaste and cellphones
to us by trying to punch our buttons,
---talking about things
that really matter in life,
like love, companionship, kindness,
and creativity, while showing us video
of Cadillac cars, AT&T phones, or the sort
of fancy houses surround by big green lawns
only a few of us could ever afford.

Life in our culture can never be fulfilling
so long as it's controlled by companies
and institutions that value your money
more than your life and who try to turn
the truly important things in life
into nothing but excuses to buy more shit.
Build your home on top
a cesspool of pure bullshit
and into the muck it's sure to sink.
Times will change as more people
realize our cultures picture
of how things should be is as artificial as the
latest movie's flying monkey special effects.
This much is clear---
if we don't change our culture,
Nature will change it for us,
because societies caught
in the grip of corporate profit margins
are not sustainable,
doing great harm to their own citizens,
and to the world around us all.

Dewey Dirks

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