Tuesday, August 19, 2014



The other day I was talking
to a young woman, bright eyed
and intelligent as she explained to me that
when she sold something
on Craigslist, she made sure
to arrange to meet potential
buyers in a public place in order
to guard against serial killers.
She didn't realize, of course,
that the country
is as safe from violent crime
as it was forty years ago
when people didn't lock their
doors at night and that her chances
of being shot by a cop were
much, much higher than being killed
by a serial killer.

Not long afterwords, I was having
a conversation about climate change
with a man in his fifties, intelligent,
full of experience and informed, as he mouthed
the corporate media's misinformation explaining
to me that even though climate change
might be real, it couldn't possibly
have been brought about by the
actions of Man not realizing that the link
between global carbon-dioxide levels
and the behavior of mankind since
the beginning of the industrial
revolution are a certain as the fact
that the ice-caps are melting.

A few days later, I was talking to another
man in his forties, liberal, and well informed
who mouthed the media's liturgy in some detail
about how America has to guard
against more terrorists attacks
not thinking about the fact that
American soil hasn't seen a terrorist
attack in almost thirteen years.

As you leave the fog
that is the mass-media enculturation
of American society,
You begin to see how pervasive
and often misleading the institutions
of our culture have become.

The more you become aware of
the actual state of the world, three things
become resoundingly apparent---
First, virtually all of our mass-media
marches in lockstep with the desires
and goals of American
corporations, military and government.
They want you scared, obedient, and feeling
as though you're dependent on them.
Second, our culture has trained millions
upon millions of people to be afraid
of everything from the cause
of their own daily aches and pains,
to the beliefs and goals of people
in other countries, to the motivations
and personalities of their own
next door neighbors.
And finally, you become
more and more conscious
of how unimpaired by fear your
journey through life can be.

After awhile, you discover you don't even
need to be afraid of the institutions,
that are trying to control us,
because when you lie as much as
they do to as many people as they do,
you become increasingly incapable
of recognizing what's real
and acting in your own best interests
until the day the truth walks up to you
and smacks you upside the head,
which explains our ruling classes
inept responses so far
to global warming, doesn't it...

Dewey Dirks

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